Canada Geese

Resistance poetry

2 min readFeb 10, 2022
Image by sharpley_done on Canva Pro

I think we can learn something
from our namesake geese
the way the strong lift the air
for the weak at the back of the line —
their elegant V writing an ode to community

and they are freer still than us —
locked-down in that formation
they pull the equatorial sun to themselves
and then call back home in the spring

What does freedom even mean
when it belongs only to the well
or those hellbent on ignoring
the map to their own destruction?

What does freedom even mean
without solidarity, responsibility
without red lines in the snow to mark
that we will not go there again —
to a world where the strong decimate the weak

What does freedom even mean
when it starts with me, me me!

I think we can learn something important
from our Canada geese.

